View and download presentation

Session 1:

World Bank SME Linkages-Brian Mtonya-EN

World Bank SME Linkages-Brian Mtonya-VI

Session 3:

VCCI-PCI-Dau Anh Tuan-EN

VCCI-PCI-Dau Anh Tuan-VI

Session 4:

WEConnect International Global-Mrinalini Vekatachalam-EN

WEConnect International Global-Mrinalini Vekatachalam-VI



HRB Vietnam-Huong Huynh-EN

HRB Vietnam-Huong Huynh-VI

Session 5:

Supplier Requirements For Successful Integration-Frank Weiand-EN

Supplier Requirements For Successful Integration-Frank Weiand-VI

GAFTF-WTO TFA Implementation in Vietnam-Nestor Scherbey-EN

GAFTF-WTO TFA Implementation in Vietnam-Nestor Scherbey-VI

Photo Album

Ngày Hội Các Nhà Cung Cấp lần thứ năm của AmCham tiếp nối thành công của chuỗi sự kiện được tổ chức hàng năm từ năm 2014 tới năm 2017. Sự kiện năm nay kéo dài một ngày, mở rộng với việc cung cấp khu vực trưng bày sản phẩm cho các công ty tham dự, các phiên trình bày và thảo luận, chia sẻ ý kiến từ các chuyên gia về những chủ đề hữu ích cho cộng đồng doanh nghiệp. Đây là một cơ hội để doanh nghiệp trưng bày các sản phẩm, gặp gỡ các nhà cung cấp và nhà sản xuất nhằm thiết lập các mối quan hệ kinh doanh và mở rộng mạng lưới. Hướng tới mục tiêu xây dựng chuỗi cung ứng Việt Nam, Ngày Hội Các Nhà Cung Cấp AmCham 2018 tiếp tục kêu gọi sự ủng hộ và hợp tác tối đa của Hiệp hội Thương mại, Hiệp hội Doanh nghiệp và các tổ chức địa phương. Sự kiện dự kiến sẽ thu hút được gấp đôi sự quan tâm và tham dự của các doanh nghiệp sản xuất và cung cấp so với năm 2017.

Nhà tài trợ

Nhà tài trợ Kim Cương

Nhà tài trợ Bạch Kim

Nhà tài trợ Titan

Nhà tài trợ Vàng

Nhà tài trợ Bạc

ON Semiconductor

Nhà tài trợ Đồng

Đơn vị hỗ trợ


Đăng ký tham dự sự kiện

Bàn trưng bày:

Tất cả các doanh nghiệp sản xuất hoặc cung cấp đều có thể đăng ký bàn trưng bày tại khu vực triển lãm của sự kiện để trưng bày sản phẩm, dịch vụ, standee (01) và thông tin công ty (Kích cỡ bàn: 1.8m x 0.45m | Kích cỡ Standee: tối đa 1.8m x 0.8m | Backdrop: tối đa 1.8m chiều ngang và 2m chiều cao)

Giá vé: 5.000.000 VND/bàn

Quyền lợi: Mỗi đơn vị trưng bày sẽ được nhận 2 vé tham dự chương trình Ngày Hội Nhà Cung Cấp của AmCham 2018, bao gồm việc tham gia Phiên trình bày và thảo luận, Tiệc trưa bufftet, Phiên gặp gỡ tự do và Tiệc giao lưu.

Đăng ký 

Hạn chót đăng ký: Vui lòng đăng ký tham dự qua link bên trên và thanh toán trước ngày 01/10/2018. 

Vé dành cho khách tham dự:

Vé dành cho khách tham dự của Ngày Hội Nhà Cung Cấp AmCham 2018 sẽ cung cấp cho khách tham dự quyền tham quan khu vực triển lãm, Phiên trình bày và thảo luận, Tiệc trưa bufftet, Phiên gặp gỡ tự do và Tiệc giao lưu.

Giá vé dành cho khách tham dự: 1.500.000 VND/ vé.

Khi mua 02 vé sẽ được tặng 01 vé miễn phí.

Đăng ký

Hạn chót đăng ký: Vui lòng đăng ký tham dự qua link bên trên và thanh toán trước ngày 01/10/2018 để được các ưu đãi.

Liên hệ:

Ms. Mai Hương | [email protected] | +84 8 38243562.

Ms. Cát Anh | [email protected] | +84 28 3824 3743.

Ban tổ chức sẽ liên lạc với quý vị trong thời gian sớm nhất để xác nhận tham gia.

Danh sách Doanh nghiệp triển lãm

(Cập nhật hàng ngày)

• Walmart

• Coca-Cola


• East West Industries Vietnam LLC

•  Medovations Vietnam

•  Wahl Vietnam

•  RCR Infrastructure Vietnam (RCR Property Services / RCR Resolve FM)

•  DPP Acrylic Fabrication

•  Long Hau Corporation

•  Green Speed Co.

•  Vinh An – Long An Sticker Manufacture

•  Long An International Port Operation and Management JSC

•  HuynhDuc Co., Ltd.

•  Kyoshin Vietnam Co., Ltd.


•  DiCentral

•  Robert Walters Vietnam


•  Lac Viet Computing Corp.

•  Protrade International Tech Park

•  ALENA Energy Co., Ltd

•  Viet Nhat 3 Co., Ltd

•  BW Industrials Development JSC.

•  ABE Industrial Vietnam Co., Ltd.

•  Long Hai Security Services JSC – Securitas Vietnam

•  KHATRA Co., Ltd.

• Logivan Vietnam

• APS Corp.

• Ky Luc Co., Ltd.

• IDNF Corp.

• ITL Corp.



• Nguyen Ngoc Logistics

• Thanh Binh Grand

• Force Sports Tech Trading & Manufacturing Co., Ltd

• Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park

• MEKELONG Co., Ltd.

• Kieucurate Inc

• Nhi Gia

• ON Semiconductor

• Coats Phong Phu Co., Ltd

• Leanwell Technology Co., Ltd

• USAID/Vietnam’s Linkages for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Project

• Genuine Partner

• StreamCast Asia Vietnam

• Starprint Viet Nam JSC.

• Bristol Furniture Vietnam

• Vietnam International Trading Cooperation JSC.

• UMO.VN Co., Ltd

• BIBUS Vietnam E&C Co., Ltd.

• Goc Viet Co.

• HDBank

• Nhat Trang An Tourist and Service Trading Manufacture Investment Co., Ltd.

• Truong Phat Joint Venture Company

• TBS Logistics

• Lý Xuân Lan Plastic

• Công ty Nhựa Tân Lập Thành

• Công ty TNHH SX Hoang Nam

• Công ty in ấn Nhất Thống

Để biết đầy đủ thông tin của các Doanh nghiệp triển lãm 2018 , vui lòng truy cập tại đây

Chi tiết sự kiện

Phiên Trình bày và Thảo luận

Hội thảo chuyên đề buổi sáng:

  • • Hội thảo 1: “Cải thiện tính cạnh tranh của doanh nghiệp”, World Bank.
  • • Hội thảo 2: “Thông tin dự án Link SMEs – Làm thế nào để được kết nối”, LinkSME Cơ Quan Hoa Kỳ Về Phát Triển Quốc Tế.
  • • Hội thảo 3: “Chất lượng quản lý – Chỉ số năng lực cạnh tranh cấp Tỉnh”, VCCI

Hội thảo chuyên đề buổi chiều:

  • • Hội thảo 4: Phụ nữ trong Kinh Doanh
    • 4a: “ Lợi ích của chứng chỉ Phụ nữ làm chủ (Woman Owned Certification)”, Weconnect
    • 4b: “Những người xây ước mơ”, Đại Học Bang Arizona – Hoa Kỳ
    • 4c: “Những thách thức của nữ lãnh đạo”, Tower Watson/ HRB
  • • Hội thảo 5: Kinh Doanh với Doanh Nghiệp Nước Ngoài
    • 5a: “Tiêu chuẩn dành cho các công ty cung ứng để hội nhập thành công”, KPMG
    • 5b: “Thuế quan”, Global Alliance For Trade Facilitation
    • 5c: “Cơ sở hạ tầng logistics tại Việt Nam”, BW Industrial Development

(*) Hội thảo được trình bày bằng Tiếng Anh có phiên dịch Tiếng Việt

Chi tiết chương trình

Phòng: Crystal 1
07:00 Chuẩn bị khu vực triển lãm
08:00 Mở cửa khu vực triển lãm
Phòng: Crystal 3
08:00 Đăng ký cho khách tham dự
08:30 Phát Biểu khai mạc của Ban Sản Xuất, AmCham Vietnam
08:35 Phát Biểu khai mạc của AmCham
08:40 Phát Biểu khai mạc của Đại Diện Lãnh Sự Quán Mỹ
08:50 Phát Biểu khai mạc của Lãnh đạo Thành phố
09:00 Phát Biểu khai mạc của Walmart
09:10 Hội thảo 1: “Nâng cao năng lực cạnh tranh của doanh nghiệp”, World Bank
10:10 Nghỉ giải lao
10:30 Hội thảo 2: “Thông tin dự án Link SMEs – Làm thế nào để được kết nối”, USAID – LinkSME Cơ Quan Hoa Kỳ Về Phát Triển Quốc Tế
11:10 Hội thảo 3:“Chất lượng quản lý – Chỉ số năng lực cạnh tranh cấp Tỉnh”, VCCI
11:40 Thảo luận
12:00 Buffet Trưa

Phòng: Crystal 2

Hội thảo 4: Phụ nữ trong Kinh Doanh 

13:00 Đăng ký cho khách tham dự
13:30 Chủ đề 4a: “Lợi ích của chứng chỉ Phụ nữ làm chủ (Woman Owned Certification)”, WEConnect
14:10 Chủ đề 4b: “Những người xây ước mơ”, Đại Học Bang Arizona – Hoa Kỳ
14:50 Chủ đề 4c: “Những khó khăn dành cho nữ lãnh đạo”, Tower Watson/ HRB
15:00 Phần thảo luận
16:00 Tham quan khu vực triển lãm
17:00 Sự kiện kết thúc

Phòng: Crystal 3

Hội thảo 5: Kinh Doanh với Doanh Nghiệp Nước Ngoài 

13:00 Đăng ký cho khách tham dự
13:30 Chủ đề 5a: “Tiêu chuẩn dành cho các công ty cung ứng để hội nhập thành công”KPMG
14:10 Chủ đề 5b: “Tầm quan trọng của việc Tạo thuận lợi Thương mại của WTO đối với Việt Nam”, Liên minh Tạo thuận lợi thương mại toàn cầu
14:50 Chủ đề 5c: “Cơ sở hạ tầng logistics tại Việt Nam”, BW Industrial Development
15:00 Phần thảo luận
16:00 Tham quan khu vực triển lãm
17:00 Sự kiện kết thúc

Phòng: Platinum 1

17:00 Tiệc giao lưu
19:00 Sự kiện kết thúc

(*) Hội thảo bằng tiếng Anh và có phiên dịch tiếng Việt.

Phiên thảo luận

Phiên thảo luận diễn ra vào cuối buổi chiều, sau khi tất cả các phiên hội thảo kết thúc, là nơi các nhà sản xuất và nhà cung cấp thảo luận tiệc giao lưu sẽ được diễn ra bao quanh các chủ đề về thành công, thách thức, cách thức để xây dựng mối quan hệ giữ nhà sản xuất và nhà cung ứng một cách hiệu quả.

Phiên gặp gỡ tự do

Khác với cách kết nối trước các doanh nghiệp sản xuất và doanh nghiệp cung cấp của sự kiện năm 2017, Ngày Hội Các Nhà Cung Ứng 2018 sẽ cho phép sự chủ động kết nối giữa các doanh nghiệp đăng ký tham dự sự kiện. Sự kiện sẽ cung cấp khu vực bàn kết nối cho các doanh nghiệp nếu các bên có nhu cầu sử dụng.

Tiệc giao lưu

Cuối chương trình của Ngày Hội Các Nhà Cung Cấp AmCham 2018 sẽ là tiệc giao lưu cho tất cả các cá nhân, doanh nghiệp tham dự sự kiện. Tiệc giao lưu tạo cơ hội cho các bên tiếp tục gặp gỡ, xây dựng mối quan hệ, tận dụng tối đa cơ hội tiếp xúc giữa những người tham dự chưa có cơ hội gặp gỡ trước đó. Thức ăn nhẹ sẽ được Ban Tổ Chức phục vụ trong suốt buổi tiệc giao lưu.

Cơ hội Tài Trợ

Có rất nhiều cơ hội tài trợ và chúng tôi rất mong đợi sự đóng góp và tài trợ cho sự kiện nói riêng cũng như cho sự phát triển của chuỗi cung ứng Việt Nam nói chung.


  • • Logo công ty được xuất hiện trên website và backdrop của sự kiện, với tư cách nhà tài trợ Kim Cương;
  • • Công ty được đặt bàn tại khu vực triển lãm. (Kích thước bàn: 1,8m x 0,45m);
  • • Công ty có thể trưng bày 01 standee, sách ảnh hoặc hàng mẫu tại bàn (Kích thước standee: không lớn hơn 1,8m x 0,8m);
  • • 10 vé mời tham dự sự kiện;
  • • Một video có độ dài 5 phút (không âm thanh) trong Tiệc giao lưu của sự kiện;
  • • Công ty sẽ nhận được danh sách toàn bộ người tham gia và quyền truy cập vào thư viện ảnh của sự kiện;
  • • 12 tháng quảng cáo trực tuyến trên trang web của AmCham ( Kích cỡ banner 250 x 125);
  • • 10 bản tin điện tử cập nhật hàng tuần của AmCham.


  • • Logo công ty được xuất hiện trên website và backdrop của sự kiện, với tư cách nhà tài trợ Bạch Kim;
  • • Công ty được đặt bàn tại khu vực triển lãm. (Kích thước bàn: 1,8m x 0,45m);
  • • Công ty có thể trưng bày 01 standee, sách ảnh hoặc hàng mẫu tại bàn (Kích thước standee: không lớn hơn 1,8m x 0,8m);
  • • 07 vé mời tham dự sự kiện;
  • • Một video có độ dài 3 phút (không âm thanh) trong Tiệc giao lưu của sự kiện;
  • • Công ty sẽ nhận được danh sách toàn bộ người tham gia và quyền truy cập vào thư viện ảnh của sự kiện;
  • • 05 tháng quảng cáo trực tuyến trên trang web của AmCham ( Kích cỡ banner 250 x 125);
  • • 06 bản tin điện tử cập nhật hàng tuần của AmCham.

NHÀ TÀI TRỢ TI TAN: VND 70,000,000

  • • Logo công ty được xuất hiện trên website và backdrop của sự kiện, với tư cách nhà tài trợ Ti Tan;
  • • Công ty được đặt bàn tại khu vực triển lãm. (Kích thước bàn: 1,8m x 0,45m);
  • • Công ty có thể trưng bày 01 standee, sách ảnh hoặc hàng mẫu tại bàn (Kích thước standee: không lớn hơn 1,8m x 0,8m);
  • • 06 vé mời tham dự sự kiện;
  • • Công ty sẽ nhận được danh sách toàn bộ người tham gia và quyền truy cập vào thư viện ảnh của sự kiện;
  • • 02 tháng quảng cáo trực tuyến trên trang web của AmCham ( Kích cỡ banner 250 x 125);
  • • 04 bản tin điện tử cập nhật hàng tuần của AmCham.

NHÀ TÀI TRỢ VÀNG: VND 46,000,000

  • • Logo công ty được xuất hiện trên website và backdrop của sự kiện, với tư cách nhà tài trợ Vàng;
  • • Công ty được đặt bàn tại khu vực triển lãm. (Kích thước bàn: 1,8m x 0,45m);
  • • Công ty có thể trưng bày 01 standee, sách ảnh hoặc hàng mẫu tại bàn (Kích thước standee: không lớn hơn 1,8m x 0,8m);
  • • 05 vé mời tham dự sự kiện;
  • • Công ty sẽ nhận được danh sách toàn bộ người tham gia và quyền truy cập vào thư viện ảnh của sự kiện;
  • • 02 bản tin điện tử cập nhật hàng tuần của AmCham.

NHÀ TÀI TRỢ BẠC: VND 23,000,000

  • • Logo công ty được xuất hiện trên website và backdrop của sự kiện, với tư cách nhà tài trợ Bạc;
  • • Công ty được đặt bàn tại khu vực triển lãm. (Kích thước bàn: 1,8m x 0,45m);
  • • Công ty có thể trưng bày 01 standee, sách ảnh hoặc hàng mẫu tại sự kiện (Kích thước standee: không lớn hơn 1,8m x 0,8m);
  • • 04 vé mời tham dự sự kiện;
  • • Công ty sẽ nhận được danh sách toàn bộ người tham gia và quyền truy cập vào thư viện ảnh của sự kiện;

NHÀ TÀI TRỢ ĐỒNG: VND 12,000,000

  • • Logo công ty được xuất hiện trên website và backdrop của sự kiện, với tư cách nhà tài trợ Đồng;
  • • Công ty được đặt bàn tại khu vực triển lãm. (Kích thước bàn: 1,8m x 0,45m);
  • • Công ty có thể trưng bày 01 standee, sách ảnh hoặc hàng mẫu tại bàn (Kích thước standee: không lớn hơn 1,8m x 0,8m);
  • • 03 vé mời tham dự sự kiện;

Liên hệ tài trợ:

Ms. Mai Hương | [email protected] | +84 8 38243562.

Ms. Cát Anh | [email protected] | +84 28 3824 3743.

The 5th Annual AmCham Supplier Day – Integrating SMEs Into Global Value Chain – continues and expands the successes of previous Supplier Day events from 2014 – 2017. The Manufacturing Committee this year will offer additional exhibitor spaces over last year and have expanded expert presentations on insightful topics along with a panel discussion for the all day event. It will be an opportunity for your company to display your products and meet other manufacturers and suppliers to establish a business relationship with them and expand your network. This year advances the partnership with other Chamber of Commerce’s and local organizations endeavor to build the Vietnam supply chain. The event this year will double the number of participating manufacturers and suppliers from 2017.

Our Sponsors






ON Semiconductor




Registered Online

Exhibitor Tables

Exhibitor tables are available for rent by both manufacturers and suppliers to display products and services, company profiles and one (01) standee or backdrop (Table sizes: 1.8m x 0.45m | Standee size: no larger than 1.8m x 0.8m | Backdrop: no larger than 1.8m length and 2m height)

Cost: 5,000,000 VND per company.

Benefits: Each Exhibitor will be provided 2 tickets for entry to AmCham Supplier Day 2018 with Free Floating Matching, Presentation Session, Panel Discussion, Lunch Buffet and Networking Session with finger food. 

Register Online

Deadline for registration: Please register via the link above and settle your payment no later than October 1, 2018.


Visitor Tickets

Visitor Ticket provides entry for one person to AmCham Supplier Day 2018, access to the Exhibitor Area, Session presentations, Panel Discussion, Buffet Lunch and Networking Session.

Cost: 1,500,000 VND per visitor ticket

Promotion: When buying 02 Visitor Tickets, you will get 01 free.

Register Online

Registration Deadline: Please register via the link above and settle your payment no later than October 1, 2018 to get the privilege.


Ms. Mai Huong | [email protected] | +84 8 38243562.

Ms. Cat Anh | [email protected] | +84 28 3824 3743.

Supplier Day Team Members will contact you shortly to get your confirmation.


Exhibitor List

(Daily updated)


Industry: Sourcing

Around the world, Walmart help families save money so they can live better. We use our size and scale to provide access to high-quality goods and fresh, nutritious food at everyday low prices—while creating opportunities for our associates and small and medium-sized global suppliers.

In Vietnam, Walmart Global Sourcing responsibly sources merchandise locally to enable our global merchant strategies:

•  Facilitate the identification and selection of suppliers

•  Monitor the manufacturing process to ensure compliance, safety, and quality

•  Partner with logistics to move product to international retail markets

Looking for Suppliers in:

•  Toys (plastic toys, wooden toys, plush toys)

•  Stationery, Pencil pouch/box

•  Foods

•  Ceramics and pottery

•  Furniture

•  Paper products

General requirement for these suppliers is that they should have 01 of these social compliance certificates:


Food suppliers need extra GFSI food safety certificate (01 of the followings)

Suppliers meeting above requirements will be asked to fulfil these forms at the event: 


About The Coca-Cola Company

The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE: KO) is a total beverage company, offering over 500 brands in more than 200 countries. In addition to the company’s Coca-Cola brands, our portfolio includes some of the world’s most valuable beverage brands, such as AdeS soy-based beverages, Ayataka green tea, Dasani waters, Del Valle juices and nectars, Fanta, Georgia coffee, Gold Peak teas and coffees, Honest Tea, innocent smoothies and juices, Minute Maid juices, Powerade sports drinks, Simply juices, smartwater, Sprite, vitaminwater and ZICO coconut water. We’re constantly transforming our portfolio, from reducing sugar in our drinks to bringing innovative new products to market. We’re also working to reduce our environmental impact by replenishing water and promoting recycling. With our bottling partners, we employ more than 700,000 people, bringing economic opportunity to local communities worldwide. Learn more at Coca-Cola Journey at and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.

About Coca-Cola Vietnam

Coca-Cola is one of the best-known international brands in Vietnam. Coca-Cola Vietnam’s factories in Ho Chi Minh, Da Nang and Hanoi create some 4,000 direct jobs while supporting a further number of indirect jobs, which is six- to eight-time higher, through the company’s value chain. Aiming to become a comprehensive, consumer-centric beverages company, Coca-Cola has continuously invested in product innovation and provided a diversity of quality beverages products, including less-sugar and zero-sugar product lines, while diversifying packaging and expanding business coverage. The Company’s portfolio in Vietnam includes Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Light, Coke Zero, Sprite, Fanta, Minute Maid Nutriboost, Minute Maid Teppy, Schweppes, Dasani and Aquarius. Since 2017, to meet the fast changing in tastes and demands of consumers, Coca-Cola Vietnam has proactively diversified its high quality portfolio with the promotion of packaged juice and tea products like Fuzetea+ and Georgia canned RTD coffee. Coca-Cola Vietnam has considered sustainable development as the core of its business activities which include organizing safe and healthy working environment, setting priority to training employees. Several sustainable development projects were also expressed by detailed goals of energy saving, effective water use and water balance. Coca-Cola continues building sustainable communities in locations where the company operates. From 2010, Coca-Cola has invested millions of USD in community projects in Vietnam, including projects building EKOCENTER, providing clean water, empowering women and local SMEs, supporting families in hardship, and sending disaster relief. For more details, please find out more about Coca-Cola Journey Vietnam at:

Looking for Suppliers in:

• Marketing services: marketing tools (POSM), event, customers seminar

• Plastic items: ice bucket, table, shelves, chair. Especially on plastics racks.

• Maintaining and Repairing Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Service.

• Sign board installation services for stores, restaurants, etc.

• Employee Benefit : Industrial catering service, uniform (T-shirts, shirts, pants, hats, safety clothing), backpacks.

• Others : Gift provider, Web designer, Event and Team building organizer.

• Equipment maintenance service

• Engineering service

• Facilities maintenance services: Cleaning service, General building construction service, etc.

• Chemicals Supply

• HVAC (Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning)

• Searching service as per specific requirements of client: Looking for partners, who can provide high-level suppliers list for  each commodity/industry and is being a partner of multinational corporations


Industry: Energy Industry, Oil & Gas, Mining, Processing, Power and Building Services

PENFLEX is a leading manufacturer of corrugated metal hose and braid products. Founded in 1902, PENFLEX Corporation has been a pioneer from the very beginning and continues today to be a leader in the design, and manufacture of Flexible Metal Hose.

In addition to its Gilbertsville, Pennsylvania headquarters and manufacturing plant location, Penflex maintains stocking warehouses in the USA and Europe. These satellite warehouses permit prompt deliveries to Penflex customers.

PENFLEX VIETNAM, established in 2010, manufactures hose with primary service areas in the Asian markets.


Industry: Electronics, Automotive, Plastic Industry

Injection molding – SMT – Printing – Molding – Assembly

Industry: Pharmaceuticals – Medicals

100% US investment capital. Manufacturing Medical Device


Industry: Electric hair clipper

Wahl Clipper Corporation is an international industry leader in the manufacturing of products for the professional beauty and barber salon trade, consumer personal care and animal grooming. Headquartered in Sterling, Ill., Wahl currently employs over 1,500 people worldwide in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, England, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Japan, Russia, South Africa, Spain and the United States. Wahl products are available in 165 countries around the world


Industry: Integrated Solutions for Total Facility Management

RCR covers the Operations and Maintenance (preventative, predictive and corrective) scopes, for Electrical Systems (HV,MV,LV, Back Up Power, Solar system, UPS), Mechanical Systems (HVAC System, Compressors, Pumps, Motors, Lifts, etc.), Firefighting Systems, Process Water (Water Treatment and Waste Water Management), Instrumentation & Controls, Building Management System software, Electronic Security, etc.

Our full suite of services offerings cover a broad range of disciplines; which can be delivered individually or as part of a complete suite of services of an overall solution. These services include but are not limited to Operations and Maintenance; Capital Works, Technical Resources; 24/7/365 Help Desk; Property Management; and unique Consulting services.

RCR Vietnam can also provide EPC – Engineering, Procurement and Construction for Renewable Energy (Solar & Wind) and redeployable solar panel solutions.

RCR believes consideration of our safety, quality, environment, people and community is integral to sustainable development of our business, as well as providing a positive influence environmentally, socially, and economically.

Our experience spans commercial, health, education, government, infrastructure, resources, industrial, agribusiness and hospitality sectors with the capacity to deliver technically, environmentally, and geographically complex service and maintenance programs.


Industry: Mechanical Fabrication, Plastic

Manufacture acrylic product: box, tray,shelves, furniture…


Industry: Industrial Real Estate

Long Hau industrial park locate in strategic area bordering Ho Chi Minh City and Long An province, 3 km from the deep water seaport system Hiep Phuoc – SPCT. Currently, Long Hau industrial park have over 170 tenants coming from Japan, Korea, EU, US…such as: Avery Dennison, Nipponham, Lotte, Lock & Lock. Besides of industrial land, Long Hau industrial park also offer ready built factories as well as high rise factories for rent allowing manufacturers to go into production immediately.

Long Hau is listed on Ho Chi Minh City stock exchange and managed follow the standard ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 


Industry: Outsourcing Services

With 10 years of accomplished expertise in Outsourcing Solutions, GRSC focuses on the following in-house services:

  • Manpower Supply
  • Co-packing and value added packaging
  • Field Force Solutions
  • Below the Line Solutions and POSM
  • Customer Service Call Centre and Tele Sales
  • Warehousing Solutions
  • Industrial Cleaning

We are a team of over 12,000 employees supported by 3 private factories and 31 recruitment offices located across Vietnam. GRSC has been growing exponentially in the last 10 years & proud to be the main player today in the country in this sector. We provide services to various multinational and national clients located all over Vietnam in 140 locations.

Our main differentiating factor is our reduction of service costs to our customers with the help of new methods and tools which makes us compatible and unique in doing business with you.

We Listen, We Adapt, We Innovate, We Deliver.

At GRSC, we listen to the needs of our customer, we adapt to the changing requirements of the businesses & environment, we innovate new trends & processes and we deliver to ensure the success of our customers.

We live & operate in a world of customer oneness


Industry: Plastic

We are factory in Lien Hung Industrial zone. We manufacture vinyl as : Digital printing material, lightbox vinyl, laminate…


Industry: Transport and Logistics

Long An International Port is the ideal project of the board of management and shareholders with the aim to build a biggest port in Long An Province and Mekong Delta Area. With total area of 147 hectares which include 7 wharfs that can serve 30.000 DWT – 50.000 DWT ships and 5 barge docks, Long An International port is one of the biggest seaports in the South of Vietnam. Long An International Port not only reduces the load for Hochiminh City ports but also helps the provinces in Mekong Delta import and export goods faster and more cost effective than before. Previously, goods from Mekong Delta provinces have to be travelled a very long way to ports in Hochiminh City. Now customers can save a lot of times and transportation cost by transporting goods to Long An International Port which is nearer than Hochiminh City. Long An International Port can meet the growing demand in import and export not only of Long An Province but also Mekong Delta Provinces.

Long An International Port not only provides port services but also related services such as warehousing, logistics, freight forwarding, international multimodal transport…The full-package service of Long An International Port will help customers save time and maximize the profit because they do not have to find sub service providers.

The BODs of Long An International Port believes that human resource is an extremely important foundation for the business. If the people and teams are strong then the company can have a sustainable development. Therefore, Long An International Port aims to create the best working environment for our staffs so that they can maximize their abilities. Besides that, we often open training classes to help our staffs improve their skills.

The satisfaction of customers and partners is the highest measure for the service quality of Long An International Port. Therefore, we always strive to improve and innovate our business to meet the growing demand of customers.


Industry: Mechanical Fabrication

Huỳnh Đức was established in 1995. After twenty-effort years,
our position has been asserted in Đồng Nai province, Bình Dương
province, Hồ Chí Minh city, Hà Nội city, Đà Nẵng city and
neighbouring provinces. Now, our scope of operations are :
– Processing Products To Support Production.
– Precision mechanical.
– Processing, Assembly automated equipment.
– Design, Processing, Manufacturing Machine And Molds
With twenty-year experience, and modern material base, hight
quality human resources, we promise that we always bring to
customers the best quality products with competitive price.

Industry: Electronics, Automotive

Japanese company, operate 23 years in Metal Stamping Parts

Industry: Electronics, Automotive, Plastic Industry

CNCPS brings in high-quality, punctual delivery and excellent service in those categories:Mold and Die manufacturing: CNCPS is a professional mold builder and mold parts manufacturer, with 10-years-experience in plastic injection mold, stamping die, aluminum die casting, etc.
Plastic parts and products manufacturing: Electronics, Home & Office appliance, Precision parts and so on.


Industry: Information, Communication & Technology, Software Publishers (NAICS 5112); Computer Systems Design (NAICS 5415).

Founded in 2000, DiCentral is a leading global provider of B2Bi Managed Services headquartered in Houston, Texas with 10 offices worldwide supporting customers in over 27 countries.
DiCentral’s services and solutions are singularly focused on B2B integration and used by many of the Fortune 1000, processing over $500 million in transactions for over 30,000 organizations worldwide. DiCentral provides turn-key Cloud based B2Bi Managed Services, which allows organizations to connect and exchange critical business documents with their trading community. The core components of the Managed Services offering include: ERP Integration, Secure B2B Communications, Data Transformation, Business Rule Analytics, Inventory Management and Trading Partner Community Management.
DiCentral Vietnam is a wholly owned subsidiary of DiCentral Corporation. We deliver fully integrated business systems including Distribution Management System (DMS), Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Warehouse Management System (WMS), Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Microsoft Dynamics 365 (ERP & CRM) to reduce costs, better connect with customers and suppliers, meet industry requirements, and make wiser, more profitable business decisions.


Established in 2011, Robert Walters Vietnam is one of the leading global specialist professional recruitment consultancies in the region. Our localised expertise gives us unique insights into specific industries and job markets, while our Group’s truly global footprint enables us to meet the demands of candidates and clients whose needs extend beyond Vietnam. The Robert Walters brand is synonymous with innovation, vision and leadership in the global recruitment market.

Robert Walters Vietnam specialises in permanent specialist recruitment across the following disciplines:

  • Accounting & Finance
  • Legal & Corporate Governance
  • Engineering
  • Healthcare
  • Human Resources
  • Information Technology
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Supply Chain, Logistics & Procurement



Industry: IT Hardware & Software products and services

Founded in 1994, Lac Viet Computing Corporation is a leading provider of IT products and services in Vietnam. We provide all types of software, hardware and services including: Software development; System integration, Online services with cloud based DC; Leasing and licensing by SaaS model; and System maintenance, BPM services. With thorough understanding of our client’s needs of market and professional deployment process (Quality Certified: CMMI Level 3, ISO 27001, ISO 9001:2008), Lac Viet commits to help clients accomplish more with added values from our solutions.

Over 20 years, Lac Viet always follows the mission of building profitable information capital for organizations and people. With a dynamic and creative team of nearly 500 employees, Lac Viet is pioneer to bring you proactive and helpful solutions which improve efficiency and maximize your return on investment. Here are our typical best-in-class solutions: SureERP, SurePortal, AccNetC, SureHCS, SureLRN, E-Public Services solutions, and Dictionaries Lac Viet mtd… We are proud to offer IT products and services which are now becoming a trusted companion of many users from students, office employees to enterprises, education organizations as well as public sector 


Industry: Industrial Real Estate, Ready Prepared Land, Ready Built Facilities and Built-To-Suit Facilities

With the total area of the 1,350 ha integrated An Tay township, comprising an existing 500 ha of industrial land and an 850 ha of commercial & residential, logistic park, hi-tech & industrial park. It is well connected to the heart of Binh Duong city, 47 km away from HCMC, linked with surrounding provinces, 5km away from future development of Protrade IDC An Tay port. The 5 phases of an existing 500 ha of industrial land has fully completed infrastructure establishing a credible reputation as a pioneering new concept, raising benchmarks for work-live-play-learn environment and providing an integrated customer solution, quality infrastructure and premium business space to ensure tenants enjoy a hassle-free start up for their business within the park. We are offering a wide selection of products including Ready Prepared Land, Ready Built Facilities and Built-To-Suit Facilities.

Established in 2007, Protrade International Tech Park is subsidiaries of Protrade Corporation – a State-Owned Enterprise incorporated in 1982 in Binh Duong Province as a leading company in hospitality, food & beverage, farm, hospital, logistic park and industrial park. Presence in 3 cities in Vietnam, 1 city in Laos with more than 10,000 employees. As of December 2017, asset under management of Protrade Corporation is valued over VND 4,640 billion (equivalent to US$ 208 million) 

Industry: Energy

ALENA Energy is the Vietnam-based manufacturer of the BSP™ home energy management system. This includes powerful smart batteries, BSP inverters. The BSP system pairs with a solar panel installation to store energy at home, manage your energy costs, and provide backup power. It can be installed as part of a new solar panel system, or added to an existing solar panel system that uses a BSP Inverter


Industry: Electroplating and industrial lubricants

VIET NHAT dates back to 1999. Headquarter based in HO CHI MINH city, along with other factories and affiliates located in Binh Duong, Dong Nai and Hanoi. We are manufacturer and supplier for Industrial lubricants, plating equipment, jig, plating service, wastewater and exhaust treatment. And various investment of automatic processing line for POP, Chromium plating, Zinc Plating, Zinc/Nickel Plating, EN process.VIET NHAT supplies total solution for all in one stop shop dealing with surface treatment, including project planning, equipment, jig, special chemicals for surface finishing, water and gas treatment with SOP management, with well-equipped laboratory and test line to ensure quality and customer service.
TP lubricant, customizes metalworking fluids as cutting oil, anti-rust oil, EDM oil, metal forming oil… and other industrial lubricants also categorize as hydraulic oil, gear oil… all services for metal working pieces


Industry: Industrial Real Estate

The BW Industrial Development JSC, a joint-venture between the US private equity fund Warburg Pincus and Vietnam’s Investment and Industrial Development Corporation (Becamex IDC), made debut in the southern province of Binh Duong on May 15.

With over 2 million sq.m of industrial land and 200 million USD in initial capital, BW is considered the largest supplier of industrial properties and logistics services in Vietnam, thus meeting demand of multinational corporations and e-commerce companies.

BW will support Vietnam’s sustainable development and serve as a strategic investor in the global supply chain. With a mission to offer added value services to other economies, it ensures the supply of the best solutions in real estate, mechanical engineering, electronics, automobile manufacturing, garment, leather and footwear.

The company has bought land for eight projects in five localities lying in key economic zones in the north and south, including Binh Duong, Dong Nai, Hai Phong, Hai Duong and Bac Ninh.

Warburg Pincus Executive Director in Southeast Asia Jeffrey Perlman said with a 100 million population and diverse sectors, manufacturing industry and domestic consumption have become a priority in Vietnam’s economic growth.

Nguyen Van Hung, Becamex IDC General Director, said Becamex commits a 30 percent capital to the partnership in service of the local socio-economic development.

Warburg Pincus is a private equity fund that holds assets worth over 44 billion USD and also one of the leading logistics service suppliers. Meanwhile, Becamex IDC is a developer of industrial and urban areas with the largest land base in Vietnam.

Throughout its history, Becamex signed contracts with infrastructure developer Tokyu in Tokyo and Semcorp – a member of Singapore’s Temasek via the Vietnam – Singapore Industrial Park projects. It is known as one of the most successful industrial property developers in Vietnam with a capital of more than 10 billion USD currently –VNA


Industry: Metal processing company products especially for construction accessories and fabrications and others.

– Who are we?
Established since 2007, ABE INDUSTRIAL VIETNAM CO., LTD is a subsidiary which is 100% owned by Japanese company. We are a highly experienced the area of accessories and fabrications for construction.
– Our technology
Steel material processing, especially for construction accessories and fabrications and others with chrome plating and hot dip plating.
1. Press Machine – Single Mold Press Machine: 25~45t: 4 machines
– Progressive Die Press Machine: 80 ~200t: 7 machines
– Servo Press Machine: 200t: 2 machines (All AMADA)
2. Laser cutting machine: 1machine (AMADA)
3. Welding machine – Robot welding: 1 machine (DAIHEN)
– Spot welding: 2 machines (AMADA)
4. Iron worker machine
5. Bender machine : 2 machines: 1.2m và 4m (AMADA)


Industry: Security Services

Since 1995 we have provided professional security services throughout Vietnam. Uniformed Guarding for asset protection and loss prevention at factories, offices and residences;  Technical Solutions (security equipment combined with Guarding);  24/7 Remote Alarm & Video Monitoring;  Rapid Guard Response;  Mobile Patrol;  Security Transportation (CIT);  Executive Protection.   Partner in Vietnam of Securitas AB, global security leader.


Industry: Tiles, Building Material

KHATRA is an Importer and Distributor of porcelain tiles in Vietnam. Our mission is To be YOUR TRULY PARTNER in styling up your space with our solid quality and trendy tiles


Industry: Logistics Technology


Industry: Mechanical Fabrication, Mechanical & Electrical

APS Corp (formerly known as APS Co., Ltd) was founded at the end of 2001. The company is the Authorized Distributor in Viet Nam of KOHLER Diesel Generators (USA) up to 4200kVA and INGERSOLL RAND Air Compressors (USA) up to 450HP.
We specialize in:
– Providing related equipments and spare-parts
– Mainternance, repair, upgrade & synchromize generators
– Consultant, design & installation for soundproofing enclosure systerm, exhause systerm, fuel systerm…
– Generator and Air-compressor for rent
Besides the Head Offfice in HCM City, there are other offices, workshop in Ha Noi, Da Nang, Binh Duong…
We look forward to the interest of partners and customers in the coming time


Industry: Material Handling and Equipment

Ky Luc Co., Ltd. is an expert company in forklifts and industrial equipment, providing Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar markets with material handling and other logistics solutions.
Operating since 2004, our positioning and success come from our passion and commitment, which is essential in building our reputation, trust, and credibility with our customers.
At Ky Luc Co., Ltd, we handle forklift trucks, power generators, spare parts and industrial products, conveyor systems, motors, steel and plastic chains and bearing. From 2008 we are the exclusive and authorized dealer in Vietnam for Yale Material Handling Equipment

Industry: Wood Industry

IDnF specilizes in interior decoration and funiture including manufacture, design, building and complete instalation of constructions from small scale such as townhouses to big scale such as luxury apartments and villas. Our slogan is “Listen – Respect – Pleasant – Prestige”


Industry: Transport and Logistic

Headquartered in Ho Chi Minh City, ITL Corp is one of the largest logistics and supply chain companies in Vietnam and one of VNR’s Top 500 largest Enterprises and Top 50 “The Best” companies. The company is a leading regional logistics solutions provider of Aviation, Integrated Logistics, Warehousing, Freight Management, Customs and Distribution services in Indochina. ITL is also a leader in international and domestic eCommerce and express logistics solutions in Vietnam.

With representation of 22+ airlines, management of 200+ flights per week and capacity of 150,000 tons of cargo per month, ITL is the largest provider of cargo aviation and GSA services in Vietnam and the leader in airfreight market capacity outbound.

In addition, ITL operates more than 100,000 m2 of international standard warehousing space across North, South and Central Vietnam in addition to one of largest owned fleets of prime movers and distribution trucks, centralized in 3 main transport hub centers nationwide with cross border connectivity across Indochina. ITL is also the owner and operator of the Yen Vien rail terminal in Hanoi city, connecting Vietnam domestically and internationally with China by rail.

ITL also owns and operates multiple brands in Vietnam including Speedlink, a leading domestic express and eCommerce logistics company and DASH logistics a dedicated LTL nationwide distribution service provider amongst several leading internationally recognized JV partners.

Today, ITL has 1,500+ employees with more than 70 branch offices and distribution centers in Vietnam along with offices in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Singapore and Thailand.


Industry: Automotive, Plastic Industry, Manufacturing Aluminium Die casting, Aluminium Extrusion

We are producing Aluminium Die- casting Precision , Aluminium Profiles for industrial and furnitures with CNC, Molding sub processing supports. We are also manufacturing Railing, Fence and high quality LED or OEM. With 12 years exprience , we are pleasured to service you


Industry: Automotive

SOPEC specialized in Project Management and Process Excellence for small and medium-sized companies in the manufacturing industry. Its founder, Mr. Frank Schoeninger has 20 years of experience working within the automotive sector in Germany, USA, China and Vietnam. Armed with this and our team’s knowledge and experience, we assist our clients in achieving their individual goals in Vietnam


Industry: Transport and Logistics

Nguyen Ngoc Logistics currently offer:
– Contract logistics
– Express
– Warehousing and other logistics services.
After 13 year experience in logistics, we now own 200 trucks from 2 to 30 tons along with 40.000m2 warehouses and parkings, which helps to ensure the best services for our clients.
Besides, we have been succeeded in building charisma and been accepted by many l giant companies in various market sectors, such as Coca Cola, Vinamilk, ABinBev, Unilever, Co.opfood, LG, Sony, Nguyen Kim, The Gioi Di Dong, Coopfood, Vifon, Petro Vietnam etc. 


Industry: Textile and Garment

Thanhbinh Hometextile is one of the first textile companies in Vietnam, with the history of 25 years since 1993.

For national market, we are well-known for our brand – GRAND for products such as: mattress, bed set (blanket, pillow, mattress cover and pillow case), mattress topper, etc. Our products from raw material till the finish good are all carefully designed by the application of Japanese and Korean technology and materials, together certified by Oekotex (European certification). For hospitality market, we also have our own design line varied by the requirement of each customer.

In addition, for international market, we have successfully launched our shops in Thailand and Myanmar. With higher demand of the market, our products are not only limited to home use, but also to Service industry: Hotels and Resorts, Restaurants, Airlines, Cruise line, Event Centre and Hospital.

Choosing us is not about giving up on your traditional partner, but to open a new tradition for an easier path for you and your company.


Industry: Industrial Park and Township Development

Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Park & Township or VSIP is a joint-venture between Sembcorp Development Limited (a Temasek-owned company under Singapore’s Ministry of Finance) and Binh Duong’s Listed Enterprise – Becamex Corporation since its inception in 1996 and inaugurated by the Prime Ministers from Singapore and Vietnam.
VSIP is strongly supported by the Governments of Singapore and Vietnam and won many awards in its 22-year developmental journey (Euromoney’s Award as the Best Industrial Developer in Vietnam). Today, VSIP is home to over 750 manufacturers; Global MNCs and SMEs alike from 30 countries employing more than 220,000 workers. It remains the longest established and largest tenancy (combined) in Vietnam today and often cited as an iconic symbol of friendship and warm bilateral ties between Vietnam and Singapore.
VSIP is present in Binh Duong Province (2 locations), Quang Ngai Province, Nghe An Province, Bac Ninh Province, Hai Duong Province and Hai Phong City with a total land area of 9,300 hectares…. and still growing.

Industry: Sports ball

Force Sports Tech is a new ball manufacturer in Long An, Vietnam. We pride ourselves in high quality product and strong material development, with a close partnership with our EVA and rubber compounding sister companies. We have an international management team offering several areas of expertise and support in multiple languages.


Industry: Agriculture and Food

Mekelong VN is Taiwanese company. We have a group and we product some kinds of products. Valpresso coffee is one of our product 


Industry: Gift delivery service

Welcome to kieucurate! Vietnam’s new gifting service.
We understand the trouble of sending gifts from abroad – they often arrive late, or possibly never arrive at all! Shipping is expensive, and things can be damaged on their way to Vietnam.
That’s why we’ve opened a new gift delivery service in Vietnam. Our team has curated a list of top local products & gifts which are delivered right to your loved one’s door. So, if they love the gifts (which we guarantee they will), they can go back for more!
From beautiful handmade ceramics, the best floral arrangements in Ho Chi Minh City, to locally made skincare products and more, kieucurate is your go-to for sending gifts to those loved ones you’re missing in Vietnam.



Industry: Manufacturing and Assembling Substrate boards

ON Semiconductor (Nasdaq: ON) is driving energy efficient innovations,
empowering customers to reduce global energy use. The company is a leading
supplier of semiconductor-based solutions, offering a comprehensive portfolio of
energy efficient connectivity, sensing, power management, analog, logic, timing,
discrete, and custom devices. The company’s products help engineers solve their
unique design challenges in automotive, communications, computing, consumer,
industrial, medical and aerospace/defense applications. ON Semiconductor operates
a responsive, reliable, world-class supply chain and quality program, and a network
of manufacturing facilities, sales offices and design centers in key markets
throughout North America, Europe, and the Asia Pacific regions.

2017 Revenue – $5.388 billion

2Q18 Revenue – $1456 million


34,000 worldwide

ON Semiconductor Vietnam

Being the manufacturing arm of ON Semiconductor in Vietnam,we have two manufacturing facilities listed as follows:


ON Semiconductor Vietnam

(after acquiring SDV)

ON Semiconductor Binh Duong

(after acquiring WSE)

Founded Apr’12 Aug’13
Located Bien Hoa 2 Industrial Zone, Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai Province Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park I, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam
Employees 2650 as of 31 July 2018 184 as of 31 July 2018
Site area 23,400 m2 2,700 m2
Business Assembly and Test semiconductor products Manufacturing and Assembling Substrate boards


Industry: Textile and Garment

Coats Phong Phu is an affiliate of Coats Group. Coats is the world’s leading industrial thread manufacturer and a major player in the Americas textiles crafts market with more than 250 years heritage. Our head quarter is in the UK, we have 19,000 employees in over 50 countries across six continents around the world.

Coats Phong Phu is a JV Company with Phong Phu Corporation, established in 1989 in Vietnam. Our company in Vietnam is one of the largest facility in the Coats Group. We have 2 factories in District 9, HCM city and in Pho Noi Industrial Zone, Hung Yen Province. We have more than 1500 employee and are manufacturing and supplying threads to more than 1000 customers local and oversea. We are producing around 10,000 tons of thread annually. The company in Vietnam as well as other affiliates are operating on strong foundations of Safety, Compliance, Sustainability and Technology.

IoT, Big Data and Software for Real-time Manufacturing Operations Management


USAID/Vietnam’s Linkages for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises project is a five-year USAID-funded project that will be implemented between September 5, 2018 and September 4, 2023. The main objectives are to enhance Vietnamese small and medium enterprises’ capacity to participate in global value chains in five sectors; and, to strengthen the Vietnamese enterprise and foreign firm business framework. The project will catalyze systemic changes in the business relationships between Vietnamese small and medium-sized enterprises and foreign firms, significantly increasing the quantity and quality of commercial linkages between Vietnamese enterprises and global value chains. Improved and increased business linkages will help Vietnam’s private firms generate jobs, improve livelihoods, and encourage entrepreneurial innovation. Through USAID funding, the project supports Vietnamese enterprises to better integrate as value-addition suppliers and innovators in global value chains. The project is implemented by IESC with KPMG/Vietnam and Taj Media Vietnam


Industry: Transport and Logistic

Genuine Partner Group (“GPG”) is a distinguished corporation with local and international experts in Logistics, Depot, Container Trading, Warehousing and other related business. In GPG, “We value our customer care equally as we value our partner’s businesses and customer’s success amidst any circumstances”

Major business: Total Logistics + Container Services + Shipping & Marine
Service Market : From North to South Vietnam, strengthen expand services to the Asian market + (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, China, …) 


Industry: Logistics Services

Viet Trans Link groups its logistics services into two business segments: Solutions and Air +Ocean:

Solutions develops tailored contract logistics solutions. This business segment offers industry-specific transport and logistics concepts, especially for companies involved in industrial engineering, automotive, chemicals, electronics and high tech, and retail and fashion.

Air + Ocean manages international shipments by air and sea as well as associated value-added logistics services. These operations are based on a strong global network offices, close collaboration with partner companies and a high-performance IT system that is consistent all around the world. 


Industry: Electronics, Energy Industry

Established in 2001, StreamCast Asia is strategically located in Singapore – one of the most business-friendly countries in the world – to serve young and innovative product manufacturers and brands, transforming their business potential regionally in South-east Asia and select Asian countries.

The two core Divisions of our company are:

• Life Style Social Videography – mobile and wearable consumer electronics

• Consumer mobile networking and devices

We offer quick access to markets. We have over 1,500 accounts in our channel network including Consumer Electronics, Camera and Video, Mobile shops, Sports Specialty, Travel Specialty, Education, Airports, Government, Military, Survey, Exploration and Agriculture. 


Industry: Paper Printing and Packaging

In the year 2001, after the success of the metalized printed packaging in Thailand, Starprint group has expanded the business and bring these capabilities into the Vietnamese market.

With the advantage of the competitive cost base, Starprint Vietnam JSC. has rapidly grown into one of the leading printers in Vietnam, with a community of over 1000 employees, 8 offset lithographic printing machines and an extensive array of finishing and assembly equipment over 26,000 m2 of operations. 


Industry: Office Furniture manufacturer and provider 


Industry: IT – focus on auto-identification and data-capture solutions

Vietnam International Trading Cooperation JSC. (ITC VINA JSC.) is specialized in providing and deploying products, solutions for bar codes, tags and RFID in all fields such as manufacturing, government, healthcare, retail, transportation … With prestige and rich experience of management team and deep-understanding of industry technologies and market, the company is trustily appointed to be representative and distributor of the world’s leading technology manufacturers of automatic identification and data capture technology.

Barcode scanner: CODE – USA (exclusive distribution partner); ZEBRA & HONEYWELL – USA (authorized reseller)

• Barcode and RFID printer: TSC – TAIWAN, PRINTRONIX – USA, BIXONLON – KOREA (distributor)

• Card and passport reader: ACCESS – UK, NIDEC SANKYO – JAPAN, DESKO – GERMANY (reseller)

• Barcode software and solution: TACHYONIQ – USA (exclusive distribution partner), NICELABEL – SLOVENIA (authorized partner) 

Industry: Textile and Garment, Footwear and Leather

We specialize in bag & backpack production for domestic & export 



Industry: Pneumatics & Hydraulics 



Industry: Agriculture and Food

Chili sauce, cafe, extra virgin coconut oil


Industry: Higher Education

Welcome to the Vietnamese-German University (VGU). We are the first public
university to be established in Vietnam pursuant to intergovernmental agreements. As an
experimental and ambitious forerunner, the university interrelates Vietnamese framework
of higher education with German academic models and standards, whereby our study
programs are organized in collaboration with German partner universities so that the
students can enjoy a "best of both worlds" experience. This unique bilateral endeavor
between the Vietnamese and German Governments thus far has gained a wealth of
accomplishments, and the university is proud to adopt the role of a competent partner for
the academia, the industry, and the society.
At VGU, we seek to achieve the highest level of academic enrichment for our Bachelor’s and
Master’s students through a focus on creating a research-based learning environment, with
a research roadmap fielding national development priorities. We also offer a portfolio of
internationally accredited study programs, with engineering as the major discipline together
with economics and business studies. For any major and career path, we aim to foster
creativity, collaboration, and a way of working that integrates the international and
interconnected perspectives that have become so vital in our modern world.


Industry: Textile and Garment

Produce uniform for exporting to Israel, produce home bedding for local market
Organize International Tour


Industry: Forklift truck, Materials handling equipment

Hyster is an American company who invented the forklift in 1930. Provide a full-line producer of materials handling equipment and produces over 130 models powered by gasoline, LPG, diesel or electric power. Hyster also offer the widest capacity range from the warehouse and factory to Depot and Container Terminal.

Truong Phat Company has been the authorized dealer for Hyster Forklift in Vietnam since 2000. We have access to the most extensive range of materials handling equipment from SOLUTION to RENTAL and SALES as well as OPERATOR TRAINING, MAINTENANCES, REPAIRS, SPARE PARTS. 


Industry: Transport and Logistic

Strategic Location: Quick, easy access to highways, ports and main airports with bonded warehouses located near the Binh Duong Port.
Large-Scale Infrastructure: 115-hectare warehouse consisting of 1 LCD, 5 integrated, multi-use warehouses, 1 container depot, and hundreds of trucks of all sizes with the capacity of transporting up to 5,000 containers monthly.
Capacity for storing up to 60,000 containers ranging from bonded to domestic warehouses, from general goods to dedicated storage.
Advanced Security Systems: Security fencing, high-tech cameras and security guards on duty 24/7.
Clean, green area surrounded by parkland.
CCTV System: TBS Logistics CCTV systems equipped with high-resolution IP standards, with nearly 190 existing cameras recording 24/7 and store data within 90 days, to be monitored at the center of the modern professional Security by internal security forces, to ensure maximum security.
Fire protection: Automatic sprinkler fire protection system is invested and professionally designed. The training, fire fighting drills are held regularly every week, every month for the entire staff of employees and internal forces in place, in coordination with the police and fire protection organizing training courses to improve high fire safety knowledge, ready for any situation that may occur.


Industry: Footwear and Leather, Electronics, Automotive, Plastic Industry, Rubber Industry, Wood Industry, Agriculture and Food

We make plastic (pvc/pe/pu) tubes/hoses/pipes


Industry: Plastic household products

Founded in 1993, Tan Lap Thanh Plastic Co., Ltd. has been producing innovative high-quality plastic housewares for over 25 years. Nowadays, our company has become one of top ten biggest plastic houseware manufacturers in Vietnam.
Our company was also certified ISO 9001:2015 by Bureau Veritas for its qualified management system. Owing to our non-stop efforts, Tan Lap Thanh Plastic Co., Ltd. has been voted as one of the most beloved and trusted brand names through “Vietnamese High-Quality Goods” selection program. During the past 25 years, many multinational corporations and big companies such as Unilever, Vinamilk, etc. have chosen our products for their customers for many consecutive years. Many housewares products made by Tan Lap Thanh Plastic have gradually winning over imported goods from Thailand, China, Japan… and dominating the market. Together with other companies of the same industry, Tan Lap Thanh Plastic Co. Ltd. also hold the majority of market share of various product lines including table, chair, housewares, etc. By focusing on interpreting local and oversea customers’ demands, our company tries have proactively improved the model diversity and quality in order to gain the customer’s trust and love.


Industry: Plastic

1960 – 1975: The company was established under the name UFEOC (Union of Rubber Factories Far East France), and then changed to UFIPLATIC. We were one of the very first plastic manufacturers in Vietnam that imported advanced machinery and equipment from Japan and Taiwan, manufacturing PVC synthetic leathers, soft PU, table coat, PVC film, PVC coated fabrics, water-repellent parachute fabrics.

– 1975-2005: Changed the name to Rang Dong Plastic Factory, since then, the company has grown and prospered. Factories and branches in Hoc Mon, Nha Trang, Hanoi, and NgheAn were established one after another. We received ISO 9001-2000 certificate in 2003. By May 2nd, 2005, we began the equitization process and officially became Rang Dong Plastic Joint-Stock Company.

– 2005 – Now: After reconstructing the head office in District 11 – Ho Chi Minh city, production activities continue to expand. Facilities have been upgraded to meet the increasing demand: replacing Hoc Mon Plastic Factory with Packaging Factory No.1 in Cu Chi – Ho Chi Minh city and starting construction of the new Tien Son Plastic Factory in BacNinh industrial zone. We received ISO 14001:2004 certificate in April 2014.  As of May 2014, we completed the equitization process.

To build and sustain a broad, nationwide distribution network, Rang Dong puts customers’ needs at the center of everything we do. We are known for our multilayer laminated films and synthetic leather that have multi-applications that are tailor-made for different customer industries.

Besides domestic channels, Rang Dong constantly increases exports in major marketplace such as USA, Japan, Korea, Holland, Taiwan, Middle East, Nigeria, Thailand, Myanmar and EU countries.

2014, Rang Dong Plastic JSC has established three ISO 14001:2004 certified manufacturing facilities:  Plastic Factory No. 1 (District 11, HCMC), Packaging Factory No. 1 (Cu Chi, HCMC), and Tien Son Plastic Factory (Tien Son Industrial Zone, BacNinh). They are all equipped with world-class machinery and technology with high production capacity, producing a wide range of products.

We’ve taken advantage of development in research and technology to extend our product lines. For instance, fifty new synthetic leather samples are made every year at our R&D department. As a result, exports to United States of premium synthetic leather used in the fabrication of yacht interiors and furniture have increased up to 20 percent per year.  As part of our ongoing efforts “To become the leader in the industry nationwide and worldwide”, all members of the company, from the executives to the employees, have committed to sustain, to improve constantly and to be “Always Better”.


Industry: Paper Packaging


Industry: Paper Packaging

Hoang Nam Production Co., Ltd has established since 1992. The company produces plastic related products to offer to several industry including household chemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and among others.


Industry: Training and consulting

Respect Vietnam provides tech-aligned sustainable workplace solutions for people-centric organisations and businesses


Industry: Agriculture and Food

Become a leading supplier of first quality agricultural products in Dalat – Lac Duong City
Bring the "Style" enjoyment of deluxe and typical taste of Arabica Coffee. Supplying the
“Hygienically – Typically – Qualitatively” which are produced by the high technology in
Dalat – Lac Duong.

Event Description


AmCham Supplier Day 2018 will be an all day event with presentations about integrating SMEs into the global value chain.

Morning presentations are:

  • • Session 1: “Enhancing Enterprise Competitiveness”, World Bank
  • • Session 2: “Project Information – How to get connected”, USAID – LinkSME
  • • Session 3: “Management Quality – Provincial Competitive Index”, VCCI

Afternoon sessions are divided into two groups:

  • • Session 4: Women In Business
    • Session 4a: “Benefits of Woman Owned Certification”, WEConnect
    • Session 4b: “Dream Builders”, Arizona State University
    • Session 4c: “Woman Leadership Challenges”, Tower Watson/HRB
  • • Session 5: Doing Business With Foreign Companies
    • Session 5a: “Supplier Requirements for Successful Integration”, KPMG
    • Session 5b: “The Importance of WTO Trade Facilitation for Vietnam: A Modern Customs Bond System – a New Tool for Transparency, Trade Regulations Reform and Economic Growth”, Global Alliance For Trade Facilitation
    • Session 5c: “Logistic Infrastructure in Vietnam”, BW Industrial Development

(*) Sessions will be presented in English with Vietnamese interpretation.

Room: Crystal 1
07:00 Exhibitor Setup
08:00 Exhibition opens
Room: Crystal 3
08:00 Registration
08:30 Remarks from Manufacturing Committee
08:35 Remarks from AmCham
08:40 Remarks from the US Consulate
08:50 Remarks from HCMC People’s Committee
09: 00 Remarks from Walmart
09:10 Session 1: Enhancing Enterprise Competitiveness, World Bank
10:10 Break
10:30 Session 2: Project Information – How to get connected, LinkSMEs
11:10 Session 3: Management Quality – Provincial Competitive Index, VCCI
11:40 Q&A Session

Room: Crystal 2

Session 4: Women In Business
13:00 Registration and visit Exhibition Area
13:30 Session 4a: Benefits of Woman Owned Certification, WEConnect
14:10 Session 4b: Dream Builders, Arizona State University
14:50 Session 4c: Women Leadership Challenges, Tower Watson/HRB
15:00 Q&A Session
16:00 Visit Exhibition Area
17:00 Event ends

Room: Crystal 3

Session 5: Doing Business In The Global Value Chain
13:00 Registration and visit Exhibition Area
13:30 Session 5a: Supplier Requirements for Successful Integration, KPMG
14:10 Session 5b: The Importance of WTO Trade Facilitation for Vietnam: A Modern Customs Bond System – a New Tool for Transparency, Trade Regulations Reform and Economic Growth, Global Alliance For Trade Facilitation
14:50 Session 5c: Logistic Infrastructure in Vietnam, BW Industrial Development
15:00 Q&A Session
16:00 Visit Exhibition Area
17:00 Event ends

Room: Platinum 1

17:00 Networking
19:00 Event Ends

Brian Mtonya

The World Bank

Brian Mtonya is a Senior Economist in the Finance, Competitiveness and Innovation Global Practice of the World Bank based in the Vietnam Country Office in Hanoi.  He joined the World Bank in 2009 and has wide experience working on trade, business environment and financial sector issues in over 15 countries. Brian has pre-Bank experience as a trade negotiator working on regional and WTO negotiations. Brian also worked at the World Bank Institute in Washington DC on trade related issues as a Hubert H. Humphrey Fellow under the Fulbright Program.

Michael Trueblood


Michael Trueblood is the Director of the Economic Growth and Governance Office for USAID/Vietnam. He joined USAID in 2009 and has worked for the U.S. Government for nearly 26 years. Prior to joining USAID/Vietnam in October 2015, Michael worked for USAID in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central Asian Republics, and Pakistan. Michael spent much of his career at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service where he worked on policy issues and conducted economic research on trade issues in developing countries as well as global food security issues and transition issues for Russian and Ukrainian agriculture. Michael holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business from Westmont College and a graduate degree in Applied Economics from the University of Minnesota.

Ron Ashkin


Ron Ashkin is an international development economist specializing in sustainable private sector development in emerging markets. Ron has professional experience in more than 60 countries around the globe, with expertise in market systems development, enterprise development, strategy, competitiveness, and international trade and investment. He currently serves as Project Director on USAID’s Linkages for Small and Medium Enterprises (LinkSME) Project in Vietnam.

Over the course of his career, Ron has created private sector and industrial development strategies for sovereign governments, managed networks of enterprise assistance centers serving thousands of private firms, implemented local supplier development programs, trained and mentored large teams of national and international consultants, authored widely-used consulting tools, processes and training materials, researched evolving development methodologies in action to advise on future program design, published numerous articles and presentations, and led performance improvement, restructuring, privatization, and analytical efforts. He has a corporate background in export development. Clients served include the European Union, Swiss Development Cooperation, UKAID, USAID, and the World Bank as well as governments and major private firms. Ron holds degrees from Harvard University and The Wharton School.

Dau Anh Tuan

Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Dau Anh Tuan is the Director General of the Legal Department of VCCI –  the largest national association in Vietnam. Mr. Tuan has been playing an significant role in advocating for the interest of private sector business and foreign enterprises in Vietnam. One of his primary responsibilities is to liaise between the business community and the Vietnamese government and National Assembly on issues related to business and public policy laws, international trade and to the development of the private sector and foreign investment in Vietnam. Tuan has been actively involved in the making and the implementation of the Enterprise Law and the Investment Law, among many other key business laws which are related to business and investment.

Tuan is one of the pioneers in promoting provincial economic governance through the introduction and promotion of Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) – a powerful policy advocacy tool which have been widely used by ministries, local government, and business associations in advocating for reforms at provincial levels in Vietnam. Now he is the Director of Vietnam PCI Program, the first program in Vietnam directly funded by USAID.

Mr. Dau is also an author of various local publications and articles on subjects such as economic governance, provincial governance, economic law and corporate governance. He holds a M.A in Law from Hanoi National University and selected as a 2013 Eisenhower Fellow.

Mrinalini Venkatachalam

WEConnect International

With experience spanning over a decade, Mrinalini has worked to bridge the gap between unmet social needs and service providers, giving large corporates, government agencies, community organizations and social enterprises the platform to create measurable social impact. She speaks regularly at schools, community events, corporates and conferences about the role that gender equality plays in achieving a more sustainable world for everyone. She currently leads engagement across South East Asia and Australia for WEConnect International, a global network that identifies, educates, registers, and certifies women’s business enterprises based outside of the U.S. that are at least 51% owned, as well as managed and controlled by one or more women, and then connects them with multinational corporate buyers.

Alexandra Sasha Stinchfield

Arizona State University’s Vietnam/SE Asia Programs

Sasha Stinchfield is an Associate Managing Director and Chief of Staff for Arizona State University’s Vietnam/SE Asia Programs where she directs project management, planning, and implementation of key strategic and organizational initiatives. A primary focus is in the development of new projects and programs that support ASU’s vision for growth in Vietnam and Southeast Asia. Previously, Sasha was with the ASU International Development Office where she served as portfolio development manager, leading the strategic development of new business, global project management, processes innovation and relationship management. She has extensive experience cultivating and consulting on major global funded initiatives, such as with the United States Agency for International Development, World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank and other donor organizations. In addition, she has led the project management of global project in Brazil focused on production of decision support system products to inform integrated water resource management with respect to drought vulnerability and adaptation strategies for climate variability and change. Sasha holds an executive master’s degree in sustainability leadership and a bachelor’s degree in global studies from ASU.

Huynh Thu Huong

Human Resources Business Vietnam

Huong is the Founder and CEO of Human Resources Business VietnamHuong’s other major roles:

• Senior Advisor – Strategy and Development, Gras Savoye Willis Vietnam, a Willis Towers Watson company

• Corporate Advisor of KMS Technology

• Vietnam’s Representative of eCornell of Cornell University, working in partnership with Genashtim Innovative Learning pte ltd.

• Advisor of Shidler Business MBA HR MBA Programs for Vietnam, University of Hawaii at Manoe, USA.

• General Director and Legal Representative of Towers Watson Vietnam• International Judge – Myanmar Employer Awards 2017-2018.

Frank Weiand

USAID/Vietnam’s Linkages for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Project

Frank Weiand moved to Vietnam in 2016 to setup a new company for Supply Chain Service International ( SCSI) a SC service and Quality Management service provider based in USA, belonging to the world leading Trigo Group. From 2016 untill August 2018 he was the General Director of SCSI Vietnam Co.Ltd.

He joined AmCham Vietnam in 2016 as a member and became the Co-Chair of the manufacturing committee in 2017 till present.

Since joining AmCham Frank is part of the supplier day organization committee.

Frank spend most of his professional career within the automotive business, working for BMW in Germany. He spend 11 Years in Thailand as Purchasing Director BMW SE Asia. Beside that he was a supporter of the Thai Ministry of Industry ( TAI) and to the local SME’s providing support in international purchasing standards and requirements of global OEM’s to their supplier.

He is a business consultant to various companies such as Gerson Lehman, BCG, McKinsey.

In 2017 Frank was engaged in a 3 month project with Vinfast, the first Vietnam car manufacturer start-up to setup the purchasing organization and the definition of the local content.

Just recently in September 2018 he joined KPMG and the USAID/Vietnam’s Linkages for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises project, a five-year USAID-funded project that will be implemented by IESC and KPMG between September 5, 2018 and September 4, 2023. The main objectives are to enhance Vietnamese small and medium enterprises capacity to participate in global value chains in five sectors; and to strengthen the Vietnamese enterprise and foreign firm business framework.

Frank is a graduate from the FH Nuremberg/Germany with a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with certificates as technical car expert and in forensic analytics.

Nestor Scherbey

Global Alliance For Trade Facilitation

Nestor Scherbey founded Customs, Trade & Risk Management Services, Ltd. after a career as a licensed U.S. Customs Broker, pioneer in application of the U.S. Foreign Trade Zones program to the automotive industry with VW and, as Director, Global Trade Operations for the Amway Corporation. In the course of his career, Nestor was responsible for launches of new markets through U.S. export and destination market import and logistics operations in 46 countries in Asia, Europe, South and Central America and, the Caribbean. Due to the need to overcome challenges with tariff and non-tariff trade barriers for hundreds of products in many countries, his global technical and operational experience is unique. In the course of his career, Nestor successfully resolved more than one hundred customs audits, investigations and significant penalty cases. He has also advised U.S. Customs and the customs services of other countries in matters concerning regulatory reform, implementation of the GATT 1994 Customs Valuation Agreement, WTO trade facilitation and on Rules of Origin of Free Trade Agreements.

As a result of hands on experience in developing new and emerging markets, Nestor has unique experience and skills involving resolution of extraordinary offshore issues, managing challenges involving customs issues, transfer pricing, foreign trade practices and barriers, operational crisis and risk management, management of foreign audits and investigations and, international logistics.  Implementation of global trade technology solutions, particularly for export and import trade development and compliance is a specialty.

Nestor has served with the Customs Committee of the Foreign Chambers of Commerce of Thailand and leads the Customs and Trade Facilitation Working Group led by AmCham Vietnam in developing the Vietnam Trade Facilitation Alliance, a Customs-Business Partnership public consultations program that advises the General Department of Vietnam Customs, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Industry & Trade with modernization and trade facilitation.

Greg Ohan

BW Industrial Development

Greg joined the Property Industry in 2004. Starting his career in Sydney, Australia where Greg helped lead multinational real estate firm CBRE in Australia and Hong Kong, In 2011, Greg was recruited to join CBRE Vietnam setting up Vietnam’s first dedicated ‘Industrial & Logistics Services’ Real Estate team under CBRE to this day remaining one of the best performing agency teams under his formation. Focused on representing occupiers entering the Vietnam market and assisting developers to market Vietnam’s Industrial and Business Parks and attract occupiers, Greg joined JLL Vietnam driving the business to become a local leading service provider before being recently recruited by one of Vietnam’s most exciting new joint venture’s “BW Industrial Development”. As Deputy CEO of BW Industrial Development, a joint-venture between Vietnam’s largest private equity investor, US based Warburg Pincus and Vietnam’s largest industrial and infrastructure developer Becamex IDC, Greg is responsible for the acquisition, construction and marketing of over 2 million sq.m of industrial & logistics real estate establishing ‘BW Industrial Development’ the Number 1 institutional For-Rent Industrial & Logistics Real Estate Developer in Vietnam. Since 2014, Greg has been an elected board member and National Director for AUSCHAM (the Australian Chamber of Commerce) for the Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City chapters in Vietnam. Greg is also regularly requested to support various charities across Vietnam and internationally as an award-winning Auctioneer for various institutions and government organisations including the British Royal family.

Panel Discussion

Following the last afternoon sessions, there will be a panel where manufacturers and suppliers will discuss successes, challenges and how to effectively engage each other to build the supplier/manufacturer relationship. What does it really take? What were the pathways to a successful engagement?

Free Floating Matching

Unlike Supplier Day 2017 where manufacturers and suppliers were first matched and scheduled to meet face-to-face, Supplier Day 2018 will have “Free Floating Matching Sessions” for registered participants. Tables will be available to companies who want to talk on a first-come-first-use basis if needed.

Networking Session

At the end of the event will be a Networking Session with finger food and free flow beer and wine for event participants to mingle and continue meeting each other. It is fantastic time to meet new people not met during the day and make new contacts.


  • • Company logo will be presented on Event Description on website and event backdrop as Diamond sponsor;
  • • Company would have the table in exhibition area for face-to-face meeting with registered participants. (Table size: 1.8m x 0.45m);
  • • Company standee (01), brochure, or any takeaway item can be displayed at the table. (Standee size: no larger than 1.8m x 0.8m);
  • • 10 complimentary tickets to the Event;
  • • 5-min clip to be projected during the Networking session of the Event (no sound);
  • • Receive full list of participants and photo link after the Event;
  • • 12 months Networking Online on the AmCham website (size: 250×125);
  • • 10 Weekly Update emails.


  • • Company logo will be presented on Event Description on website and event backdrop as Platinum sponsor;
  • • Company would have the table in exhibition area for face-to-face meeting with registered participants. (Table size: 1.8m x 0.45m);
  • • Company standee (01), brochure, or any takeaway item can be displayed at the table. (Standee size: no larger than 1.8m x 0.8m);
  • • 07 complimentary tickets to the Event;
  • • 3-min clip to be projected during the Networking session of the Event (no sound);
  • • Receive full list of participants and photo link after the Event;
  • • 05 months Networking Online on the AmCham website (size: 250×125);
  • • 06 Weekly Update emails.


  • • Company logo will be presented on Event Description on website and event backdrop as Titanium sponsor;
  • • Company would have the table in exhibition area for face-to-face meeting with registered participants. (Table size: 1.8m x 0.45m);
  • • Company standee (01), brochure, or any takeaway item can be displayed at the table. (Standee size: no larger than 1.8m x 0.8m);
  • • 06 complimentary tickets to the Event;
  • • Receive full list of participants and photo link after the Event;
  • • 02 months Networking Online on the AmCham website (size: 250×125);
  • • 04 Weekly Update emails.

GOLD SPONSOR: VND 46,000,000

  • • Company logo will be presented on Event Description on website and event backdrop as Gold sponsor;
  • • Company would have the table in exhibition area for face-to-face meeting with registered participants. (Table size: 1.8m x 0.45m);
    • Company standee (01), brochure, or any takeaway item can be displayed at the table. (Standee size: no larger than 1.8m x 0.8m);
  • • 05 complimentary tickets to the Event;
  • • Receive a full list of participants and photo link after event;
  • • 02 Weekly Update emails.


  • • Company logo will be presented on Event Description on website and event backdrop as Silver sponsor;
  • • Company would have the table in exhibition area for face-to-face meeting with registered participants. (Table size: 1.8m x 0.45m);
  • • Company standee (01), brochure, or any takeaway item can be displayed at the table. (Standee size: no larger than 1.8m x 0.8m).
  • • 04 complimentary tickets to the Event
  • • Receive a full list of participants and photo link after event;


  • • Company logo will be presented on Event Description on website and event backdrop as Bronze sponsor;
  • • Company would have the table in exhibition area for face-to-face meeting with registered participants. (Table size: 1.8m x 0.45m);
  • • Company standee (01), brochure, or any takeaway item can be displayed at the table. (Standee size: no larger than 1.8m x 0.8m).
  • • Company would have 03 complimentary tickets to the Event. 


Ms. Mai Huong | [email protected] | +84 8 38243562.

Ms. Cat Anh | [email protected] | +84 28 3824 3743.

Supplier Day Team Members will contact you shortly to get your confirmation.


2017 Media Clipping Report

AmCham Supplier Day 2017

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