Legal and VBF Liaison Committee Meeting, Ho Chi Minh City Chapter
Regular monthly meeting of the committee to review upcoming events, discuss and prepare positions on key issues, laws and regulations relating to trade and investment between Vietnam and the United States.
Legal Committee Administrative
A. Meetings are usually held on the second Tuesday of every month, 5:00 pm-6:00 pm.
B. Next meeting: August 11 – same time and same location.
C. Introduction of Meeting Attendees
Events Updates and Legislation
- Final Amendments to Enterprise Law
- Final Amendments to Investment Law
- Public – Private Partnership (PPP) Law and Draft Implementing Decrees
- Issues on entry permit for foreigners and family members, and quarantine measures upon entry into Vietnam;
- Draft Revised Law on Environmental Protection
- Final Amendments to Construction Law
Q&A and Other Issues and Recommendations
Closing Remarks and Next Steps
Questions or suggestions for future agenda items? Please contact:
Ho Chi Minh City: Ursula Szotyory-Grove ( [email protected] )
Hanoi: Thanh Hai Nguyen ( [email protected] )