The Energy Committee would like to invite you to attend the Power & Energy Committee Meeting as follows:
1 . Position paper for GOV end of November in HCMC and Beginning December Hanoi ;
Sustainable Energy Security Attracting Private Investment ;
Sustainable energy is the practice of using energy in a way that “meets the needs of the present in Viet Nam without compromising the ability of future generations in Viet Nam to meet their own needs.” Meeting Viet Nam needs for energy in a sustainable way is widely considered to be one of the greatest challenges facing Viet Nam over the next 15 years. Achieving a Sustainable Energy goal will require government policies for the use of natural resources and for energy-specific policies that attracts private investments.
2. Update on MVEP 2, and comments from GoV and Embassy’s and final layout , publishing.
3. Consultation workshops with GOV in HCMC, Da Nang and Hanoi.
4. Completion and Extension of our Joint Grant with ECF.
5. Briefing on the November 5 IP-EDGE in Bangkok, this was well attended by the P&E Committee (Chair, Vice Chair and BOG representative, and both ED’s)
b. Japan and US “Strategic Energy Partnership”
c. The “Blue Dot” Program
d. USTDA Indo Pacific Resource Guide which will be handed over to all.
6. EDGE Implementation Committee Viet Nam, with US Chamber DC, State, USFDC (USTDA, OPIC, EXIM and USAID).
7. Comments for US Mission for the planned EDGE in Viet Nam in March/April.