Cecilia Phan, Deputy Director, Winbourne Consulting
Cecilia is the Deputy Director of Smart Cities for Winbourne Consulting. She is currently working on the Ho Chi Minh City Intelligent Operations Center project and the Davao City, Philippines Converged Operations Center projects – both funded by USTDA.
Cecilia recently retired from the US federal government where she held several critical ICT positions including principal IT staff at DoD CIO and Chief Technology Officer at Joint Staff CIO. At DoD CIO she chaired the Five Eyes (FVEY, Canada, Australia, NZ, UK, US, ) working group developing the Mobile Secure Architecture and Risk Mitigation approach and produced the FVEY interoperability plan for mobile communications. As a consultant she has also served as a senior advisor to DOD CIO as well as working on overseas smart city projects funded by the US government. Cecilia has a BA in electrical engineering as well as a Master’s in Business Administration and a CIO Academy Certificate from the National Defense University in Washington, DC.
Significant innovative projects accomplished:
- Developed and implemented DoD IT Standards Transformation Framework to modernize current DoD IT processes and software supporting interoperability across IT systems and capabilities
- Implemented the Digital Modernization Strategy to enable better secure mobile communications over commercial cellular networks and provided guidance on the management of emerging technologies and applications.
- Led the development of the budget submissions for adopting Next-generation 9-1-1 and FirstNet environments across DoD. Led the policy and strategy effort to introduce an enterprise-level mass warning and notification capability.