Our apologies for another rescheduling of this meeting, but travel and commitments continue to change due to the response to the virus situation. Of course such difficulties are very noticeable for those in education because schools are closed.

The meeting on 27 February will be set up to allow video conferencing. Please register for the event as usual and we will send a link to join the meeting online if you prefer.

To all Education & Training Committee members (and those AmCham members with an interest in Education), we welcome your attendance and ideas.


Student Well-being Group

1) Review feedback on the Child Protection Workshop

2) Future plans

Innovation Group

3) Review feedback on the Skills Gap Survey

4) Moving forward from the Skills Gap Survey to forums to connect universities and AmCham companies

5) Discuss an “Education Development Initiative” to offer an ongoing series of workshops helpful in developing education and training in Vietnam. See the proposal HERE


6) Selecting future meeting dates for April, June, August, October, and December

7) Discuss ideas on seeking corporate support for ongoing education projects in Vietnam

8) Discuss ideas on a way to celebrate the 25th anniversary of renewed relations between Vietnam and the US. A suggestion was made (thank you Michael Gormalley) that we identify examples of education support to “public” Vietnamese education institutions by U.S. businesses which have operations/offices here. This might include asking businesses to describe their support towards Vietnam “public” education institutions for the past 25 years, both in dollar donations and in-kind donations.

9) Open forum