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A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, Dec 1843


Bob Cratchit & Tiny Tim from http://www.fidnet.comFrom its first publication, “A Christmas Carol” has charmed and inspired millions. There have been scores of editions and translations, and many stage, TV and film adaptations, making it one of the best-loved stories of all time.

Although Dickens would write many other well-received and financially profitable books, nothing would ever quite equal the soul-satisfying joy he derived from his universally loved little novel. In time, some would call him the Apostle of Christmas.

And, at his death in 1870, a poor child in London was heard to ask: “Dickens dead? Then will Father Christmas die too?”

In a very real sense, Dickens popularized many aspects of the Christmas we celebrate today, including great family gatherings, seasonal drinks and dishes and gift giving.

“This has become the most famous Christmas story of all, with the miserly figure of Scrooge, the epitome of the callous employer, sadly crippled Tiny Tim, and the three specters – the ghost of Christmas Past, Christmas Present and Christmas Future.” The Christmas Carol is provided here in four parts. You may need to install a player to listen. 32K Streamed MP3 Format (for users ISDN, DSL or Cable Modems and MP3 streaming capability). Peformed by Patrick Stewart. 120 minutes. Free.

Read the complete version … A Christmas Carol (HTML on-line version)

Fezziwig Ball from romantic revival of Christmas traditions that occurred in Victorian times had other contributors: Prince Albert brought the German custom of decorating the Christmas tree to England, the singing of Christmas carols (which had all but disappeared at the turn of the century began to thrive again, and the first Christmas card appeared in the 1840s. But it was the Christmas stories of Dickens, particularly his 1843 masterpiece A Christmas Carol, that rekindled the joy of Christmas in Britain and America. Today, after more than 160 years, A Christmas Carol continues to be relevant, sending a message that cuts through the materialistic trappings of the season and gets to the heart and soul of the holidays.

There are a number of movies that have been made about A Christmas Carol. Click the below links to view them

1970  Albert Finney
1984  George C. Scott

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Posted: Dec 25, 2006. Updated: Dec 14, 2017

Weekly Newsletter

Education and Training Committee

Direct Selling Committee (AVDSC)

Tram Ha, Oriflame

Vice Chair:
Nick Jonsson, Sophie Paris Vietnam

Board Liaison:
Sesto Vecchi, Russin & Vecchi

Code Administrator:
Tran Ngoc

Intel Vietnam Study Abroad Program 2012 – 2014 • Engineering Women of Tomorrow

2012-2014 Academic Years at Portland State University, USA

Student Information Pack and Frequently Asked Questions

For more information, please click here Program Announcement (English) or Program Announcement (Vietnamese)

1. What is the Intel Vietnam Study Abroad Program-Engineering Women of Tomorrow?

This is a unique opportunity for Third- and Fourth-year Vietnamese Engineering students, especially female students, in excellent standing to complete their Bachelors of Science in Engineering at Portland State University (PSU) in the United States and, upon graduation, return to Vietnam to start exciting engineering careers at Intel’s Assembly/Test facility in Ho Chi Minh City. Intel and PSU will select among the best and brightest undergraduate students in Electrical, Mechanical, Industrial, and Computer Engineering to become Intel Vietnam Scholars in the U.S. These graduates will become professional engineers with one of the most respected companies in the world. If you are selected to go through this program, you will play a pioneering role in helping Intel grow and thrive in this fast-changing economy. With Intel, you will have a hand in creating a semiconductor assembly-test industry in Vietnam, plus you will progress and prosper in your career.

2. We’ve heard that the program will also be open to students interested in supply chain careers. Is that true?
Yes, we do have two scholarships available for Vietnamese Third- and Fourth-year students in excellent standing to complete their Bachelors degrees in Business Administration – Supply & Logistics Management. Most of the scholarship opportunities will, however, be in the field of engineering.

3. Is this only open to women or can men apply too?
Intel is a company that values diversity, because we know first-hand that the more diverse your employees are, the better your solutions will be. All around the world where we operate, we encourage more girls and women to pursue Math, Science & Technology degrees and careers. Here in Vietnam, we see a real shortage of females in these areas, and we want to do something about that. Intel has aggressive goals for recruiting Technical Females, and Intel Vietnam Study Abroad Program is a part of how we intend to meet those goals. To this end, although all applicants are welcomed to apply, we are strongly encouraging female students to apply for these scholarships.

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Executive Summary: Volcker Report on World Bank’s Governance and Anti-corruption, Sep 13, 2007

Executive Summary.

The Independent Review Panel was constituted to review the work of the Department of Institutional Integrity (INT) and to place that work in the context of the World Bank Group’s Governance and Anticorruption (GAC) strategy.

The Panel recognizes and emphasizes the critically important contribution that a coherent and forceful attack on corruption can and should make to the Bank-wide goal of facilitating economic development and reducing poverty. INT must play a central part in that effort. It cannot do so effectively in isolation. What is necessary is a fully coordinated approach across the entire World Bank Group, ending past ambivalence about the importance of combating corruption. That will require strong Bank leadership, not simply by the President and the Executive Directors but by those directly responsible for operations and for supporting staff. The GAC strategy calls for a wide-ranging two-pronged program. Building capacity among member states for combating corruption must be accompanied by measures to protect and enhance the integrity of the Bank’s own operations. Those goals should be, and can be, mutually reinforcing.

Within that context, INT has the clear and critical responsibility to investigate fraud and corruption in Bank programs. Its mandate extends to education and training to identify risks and risk prevention measures. Closer and more trusting relationships with Operations staff can encourage detection of corruption in projects. INT findings in particular cases should provide “lessons learned,” with implications for building anticorruption protection in Bank projects.

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